Statutory declaration Under Right to Information Act- 2005 Section 4 (1) (b) Mandatory Disclosure:


  1. Name of the Institution

This Institution will be known as Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s Law College Nashik.

  1.   Address of the Institution: – Udoji Maratha Boarding Campus, Beside MVP Samaj’s KBGT College of Engineering, Gangapur Road, Nashik, Maharashtra India 422013
  1. Contact details:-  Phone no 023 2319292
  2. Website-
  3. Email Id-
  1. Area of operation: –

The area of operation of the Society shall be Maharashtra State initially at Nashik District, but it may be extended to the other states of India and outside India may be required from time to time by the management according to the requirements of the expansion of activities of the Society.


  1. The field of activity of the Institution:-

The society shall carry on its activities in Educational, Cultural, Social, and Economic (including agriculture, industry, trade, and commerce, etc.) Fields, New fields, of activity may be accepted by the trustees from time to time.


Adv. Uttam Ramesh Abhale

Law officer

 M.V.P. Samaj’s Central Office

Mob- 9922447488

Email Id-

Dr. Sandhya T. Gadhakh

I/c Principal, 

M.V.P. Samaj’s Law College Nashik

Phone No- 0253 2319292

Mob- 8668556404

Email Id-


Mrs. Charusheela C. Khairnar

Assistant Professor

 M.V.P. Samaj’s Law College Nashik

Phone No- 0253 2319292

Mob- 9373909500

Email Id-




Maharashtra is one of the states of Union of India. In this state of Maharashtra there are numerous issues that media is hiding and people are eager to know them. Health sanitation problems, Road and transport issues. Despite government’s assurances and efforts electricity outages is a common issue here. State transport service is average. Road connectivity from rural areas to urban areas is yet to be accomplished. RTI application fee in Maharashtra is just Rs 10, by way of cash against proper receipt/IPO/ dd/ (court fee stamp), payable to the PIO or the officer so appointed by the govt. To collect RTI fees. Time limits for RTI application and first appeal is 30 days from the date of receipt of RTI application in the concerned office. In some cases, it is 45 days if the PIO has taken help of other officials. In case no reply is received within 30 days from the date of filing RTI, one can go for first appeal, before the official higher in rank of the PIO concerned. In case no reply/decision is given by the first appellate authority on can approach information commission of Maharashtra with second appeal.

RTI Fee Details

Mode Of RTI Fee for Maharashtra : India Postal Order

Goverment RTI Fee for Maharashtra : INR 10 /-

RTI Fee Payable to : The public information officer

First Appeal Payable to : The first appellate authority

Second Appeal fee payable to : The secretary state information commission



RTI Application Timeline

As per the Right to Information Act, 2005 it is mandatory on the part of Public Information Officer either to provide the information or reject the request for any of the reasons specified by the RTI Act within 30 days of receipt of the request. However, information concerning life and liberty of a person has to be provided within forty-eight hours of the receipt of RTI request.

First Application Guidelines

If an RTI is filed with the public authority (PIO/APIO), it is possible that the required answers are not obtained on the first time, and in some cases, information is not received at all. In such cases, First appeal is to be filed to receive the required information to the satisfaction of the citizen.

As per the RTI Act, an appeal shall be disposed off within 30 days on the receipt of the appeal by the First Appellate Authority or within such extended period not exceeding a total of 45 days from the date of filing thereof, as the case may be, for reasons to be recorded in writing.

Second Appeal Guidelines

Anybody who is unhappy or dissatisfied with the decision of the First Appellate Authority can file Second Appeal to the Information Commission at the Centre or respective States. You need to send your appeal to the relevant Information Commission in writing.

As per the RTI Act, an appeal shall be disposed off within 30 days on the receipt of the appeal by the First Appellate Authority or within such extended period not exceeding a total of 45 days from the date of filing thereof, as the case may be, for reasons to be recorded in writing.

An appeal to the Central/ State Information Commission is required to be filed as per Section 19 (3) of the RTI Act against the decision of First Appellate Authority and, therefore, can be filed only after the decision of FAA or after stipulated time limit (45 days) for such decision by FAA has elapsed, as per provisions under Section 19(3) of the RTI Act.

The Act, however, does not prescribe time limit or target for disposal of 2nd appeal/complaint by the Central/ State Information Commission. Appeals/Complaints in the information commissions are disposed of as per the convenience of them.



                TEACHING STAFF LIST

Sr.No Name of the Staff Post
1. Dr.Gadakh Sandhya Trambak Principal
2. Prof. Khairnar Charusheela Chandrashekhar Asst. Prof.
3. Dr. Pekhale Manoj Jagannath Asst. Prof.
4. Prof. Jadhav Nivedita Babulal Asst. Prof.
5. Prof. Zanje Janhavi Madhukar Asst. Prof .
6. Dr. Gangurde Shilpa Sudhakar Asst. Prof.
7. Prof. Ballal Rahul Ramesh Asst. Prof.
8.       Prof. Shinde Prakash Balasaheb Asst. Prof.
9.       Prof. Jamdar Tejaswini Bapusaheb Asst.Prof.
10. Prof. Baviskar Deepali Shriram Asst.Prof.
11.   Prof. Shirsath Kapail  Suryabhan Phy.Director
12.   Prof. Patil Renuka Pradeep Asst.Prof.
13.   Prof. Eandayit Gitanjali Raghunath Asst.Prof.
14.   Prof. Pawar Swapnil Daji Asst.Prof.
15.   Prof. Warungse Seema Madan Librarian
16.   Smt. Vadje Smita Shankarrao Asst.Librarian
17.   Prof. Abhale Ramesh Uttam Law Officer


Sr.No Name of the Staff Post
1.   Shri. Dawande Prashant Dada Office Supritendant
2.   Smt. Gatkal Pooja Shantaram Accountant
3.   Shri. Sangamnere Shanataram Vitthal Jr.Clerk
4.   Shri. Shirsath Sanjay Balasaheb Jr.Clerk
5.   Shri. Sonawane Saurabh Sanjeev Jr.Clerk
6.   Mrs. Deshmukh Sonali Arun Jr.Clerk
7.   Shri. Labhade Chintaman Runja Peon
8.   Shri. Shelar Sunil Vitthal Peon
9.   Shri.Khairnar Manish Jibhau Peon